Jury and Awards

Third Edition - 2022


The Landscape Observatory appoints a Jury for the selection of projects composed of four experts, one of whom is a landscape expert acting as Chairman, and three experts with recognised expertise in each thematic field.

The Jury of experts will take into account aspects relating to:

  • innovation and sustainability
  • exemplary value
  • participation and awareness-raising.

The Jury of the third edition of the Giulio Andreolli Award - Fare Paesaggio is composed of:

Andreas Kipar


Andreas Kipar7

Architect, landscapist and urban planner, Andreas Kipar is the founder and Creative Director of the international landscape architecture studio LAND, with offices in Germany, Italy and Switzerland. As a graduate in Landscape Architecture at the GHS University of Essen and in Architecture and Urban Planning at the Politecnico of Milan, where he has taught Public Space Design since 2009, he often holds seminars and lectures at a number of universities, including Naples, Dresden, Venice, Zurich, Versailles and Dortmund. He is a full member of the German Academy of Urban and Regional Planning (DASL), the Association of German Landscape Architects (BDLA), the Italian Association of Landscape Architects (AIAPP) and the Italian Urban Planning Institute (INU). He is the inventor of the “Raggi Verdi” [Green Rays] model in Milan, which connects up the various areas of the city to favour a new slow mobility from the centre towards the suburbs. This model, internationally recognised as a pioneering one in green urban planning, has also had subsequent applications in Essen, the European Green Capital 2017, and in the award-winning Smart City of Rublyovo-Arkhangelskoye in Moscow. Andreas Kipar and his team are currently supervising the landscaping for EXPO 2020 in Dubai, the greenery strategy for some urban centres in the Middle East and the German Pavilion at Expo 2019 in Beijing. He has been appointed to draft urban and peri-urban green plans in a number of cities, including Milan, Cagliari, Piacenza, Reggio Emilia and Essen, and to develop territorial strategic plans, such as in the Ruhr basin, on the Karst Plateau, in the Langhe, on the Lake Garda and on various Italian islands.

Paolo Castelnovi

Paolo Castelnovi7

Architect. For 50 years he has been interested in landscape and territorial and urban planning, subjects he taught at the Polytechnic of Turin from 1973 to 2010 and which he has explored in over 50 essays. Coordinator of Landscape Plans for the regions of Piedmont and Valle d'Aosta, and of territorial plans, variously named, for the provinces of Trento, Naples, Venice, for the Green Crown of Turin and for numerous national and regional parks, for a long time in collaboration with Roberto Gambino. President of the Landscapefor cultural association, which publishes a digital atlas in progress on its website of the same name.

Monica Costanza Pratesi


After attending the German School, she trained at the Politecnico di Milano. After graduating in Architecture with a focus on Environmental Design (Prof. Tomás Maldonado), she deepened her skills in the fields of environmental sustainability, landscape and cultural heritage and Life Cycle Assessment by obtaining a PhD in Industrial and Environmental Design. From 1990 to 2007 she carried out research and teaching activities, as contract professor, at Politecnico di Milano and since 2007 she has been working at FAI, where she is currently Head of the Landscape and Heritage Office. In the years 2018/19 and 2019/20 she taught courses at the Free University IULM, Faculty of Arts, Tourism and Markets. She is a member of the Landscape Quality Observatory established at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and has been a member of the National Council of WWF Italy for several years. She was recently appointed to the Board of the Cinque Terre National Park.

Michaela Wolf

Michaela Wolf7

She studied architecture at the Leopold-Franzens-Universität in Innsbruck, the Architectural Association in London and the Politecnico in Milan. She founded the Bergmeisterwolf Studio with Gerd Bergmeister. Her work has won numerous awards including the 2019 Italian Architect Award for her approach to architecture that "responds to the context with attention to materials and a bold formal solution".  Since 2017 she has been Professor of "Entwurf und Raum" and is Head of the Architecture course at the Technische Hochschule Rosenheim.


La Giuria composta da quattro esperti incaricata della Selezione dei progetti, individua per ogni Ambito Tematico (A-Programmazione, pianificazione e iniziative gestionali | B-Segni nel paesaggio | C-Cultura, educazione e partecipazione) una realizzazione a cui assegnare il Premio Giulio Andreolli – Fare Paesaggio e segnala le eventuali altre ritenute di particolare rilevanza paesaggistica, da menzionare.

L'Osservatorio del Paesaggio conferisce un Attestato di riconoscimento formale ai partecipanti risultati vincitori e un documento di menzione per quelli segnalati dalla Giuria.

Con riferimento a questa terza edizione del Premio è inoltre prevista l'attribuzione riservata alle candidature a qualsiasi ambito tematico, che abbiano affrontato con efficacia il tema del delicato rapporto tra il paesaggio alpino e le produzioni energetiche da fonti rinnovabili. La “Menzione Speciale energia e paesaggio” è attribuita trasversalmente per le tre sezioni in cui è articolato il Premio, non richiede ulteriori oneri per la candidatura e non esclude l'attribuzione degli altri riconoscimenti previsti dal Bando.

L'Osservatorio del Paesaggio promuove la più ampia diffusione degli esiti del Premio GIULIO ANDREOLLI -FARE PAESAGGIO con mostre, pubblicazioni e seminari.