Call for entries

Third Edition - 2022

Triennial selection of projects and initiatives for the protection, the management and the enhancement of the landscape in the Alps area

Art.1 Purpose

The Landscape Observatory of the Autonomous Province of Trento, in accordance with the dictates of the European Landscape Convention and with the guidelines of the Provincial Urban Plan, promotes the development of initiatives aimed to the enhancement, the protection and the coherent transformation of the landscape. For this purpose, an alpine landscape prize is instituted.

The award is based on a three-year selection of works, projects and initiatives carried out in the territory defined by the Alpine Convention, which are able to express goals of high landscape quality and environmental sustainability, such as programming tools, management initiatives, landscape architecture interventions and cultural actions.

The open selection to the European alpine region is aimed at enhancing the experiences that, with reference to the landscape problems concerning the Trentino area, stood out for the innovative features and durable efficacy of the proposed actions, for the technical, scientific and aesthetics quality and for the proactive role of the promoters and of the client

Art.2 Thematic areas

The triennial selection is divided into three distinct thematic areas:

Thematic area A

Programming, planning and management initiatives

This section includes the programming tools, the territory plans and the management initiatives, public and private, relevant in terms of landscape.

Thematic area B

Signs in the landscape

This section includes the interventions aimed to modify the physical characteristics of the region through landscape requalification, restoration projects or new constructions of infrastructure, buildings and artifacts that consciously express high-quality landscape goals within a contemporary vision of the relationship with the physical and cultural environment they are located.

Thematic area C

Culture, education and participation

This section includes the actions aimed at promoting the culture of the landscape through awareness-raising and communication actions, public participation, training and education, research and documentation.

Art. 3 Jury and organizational aspects

The President of the Landscape Observatory appoints an Organising Committee to provide guidance, promotion and support for the dissemination of the results.

The President of the Landscape Observatory Forum appoints the Jury in charge for the selection. The Jury is composed of:

  • a landscape expert as the President
  • three experts with proven competence in each thematic area.

The jury expresses by a majority vote. The Head of the Urban Planning Mission Unit of the Autonomous Province of Trento participates in the work of the Jury without voting rights.  

The Observatory is supported in the organisation of the Award by the tsm|step School for territory and landscape management of the Trentino School of Management.

Art. 4 Admission criteria to the award

The works eligible for the award must follow the themes in art.2 and have, as of March 14, 2022, the following requirements:

Thematic area A

Programming, planning and management initiatives

  • the urban and territorial plans and the sector plans must be adopted by the promoters;
  • the management initiatives must have been implemented.

Thematic area B

Signs in the landscape

  • the project/work/initiative must be completed (in the case of complex projects, at least a significant part of the project must be completed, autonomously usable and interacting with the context)

 Thematic area C

Culture, education and participation

  • the initiatives must be completed and documented also in terms of the results that can be seen by the users

Art.5 Prizes and awarding criteria

The Giulio Andreolli Award – Making Landscape consists in the awarding by the Landscape Observatory of a certificate in formal recognition of the high landscape quality of the proposals in reference to the thematic fields as per art.2. For each thematic area the Jury identifies a winning project and indicates the projects considered to be of landscape relevance. Among these, the Jury may also award special mentions to those considered of outstanding value.

This third edition of the Award also includes the "Special Mention Energy and Landscape", which is reserved for entries in any thematic field that have effectively addressed the delicate relationship between the Alpine landscape and energy production from renewable sources. The "Special Mention Energy and Landscape" is awarded across the three sections of the Award, does not require any further application fees and does not exclude the awarding of the other prizes envisaged in the Call for Entries Guidelines.

The Landscape Observatory is committed in promoting the broadest dissemination of the results of the selection, in the manner deemed most effective (exhibitions, publications, seminars, industry media), making use of the Promoters as of art. 9. For this purpose, after the conclusion of the award, the Observatory may require supplementary descriptive material from the participants, with reference to what stated in Art. 8. The selection of proposals takes into account mainly the following aspects:

 Innovation and sustainability in terms of:

  • harmonious integration of the interventions and the initiatives in the area of belonging;
  • innovative experimentation of the sustainability and the contribution to the local development of the landscape and environmental qualities available within the context;
  • innovative contribution to enhance the landscape, or to recover it, if degraded.

 Exemplary value in terms of:

  • a replicable good practice or project model whose characteristics are applicable to the Trentino territory.

 Participation and awareness in terms of:

  • active participation, since the early stages, of the different social actors, resident and non-resident, interested in the intervention and/or the initiative, integrated with the institutions;
  • organized and integrated consciousness with the initiative or intervention that enhances the awareness of the value of the landscape within the modern society.

Art.6 Advertising

In order to promote a broad participation, the advertising of the “Making Landscape Award”  call will be carried out using:

  • the Internet and the local and professional press;
  • communications with the local administration;
  • contribution of the members of the Landscape Observatory and of the Promoters as in art. 9.

Art.7 Deadlines for submission

The deadline for submitting the applications is on September 30, 2022 The projects must be sent following the procedure explained in the website

Art. 8 Documentation

Participants must submit the following documents:

1. Summary report, attesting the compliance of the proposed project with the aspects as of art. 5 (Innovation and sustainability, exemplary value, participation and awareness)

  • 3,000 characters (maximum)
  • in Italian or English
  • combined with a significant image.

The summary report can be optionally accompanied by a video lasting up to 5 minutes (maximum 15 MB, or preferably, the link of the online publication).

2. Documentation describing the initiative/work/project or actions, within the following limits:

Thematic area A

Programming, planning and management initiatives

  • Written description (maximum 9000 characters)
  • Tables with graphic, photographic or cartographic documentation (max. 6)

Thematic area B

Signs in the landscape

  • Written description (max 6,000 characters)
  • Tables with graphic, photographic or cartographic documentation (max. 9)

Thematic area C

Culture, education and participation

  • Written description (max 12,000 characters)
  • Tables with graphic or photographic documentation (max. 3)



The descriptive reports must be written in Italian or English..

The tables must be attached as .jpg or .pdf, with a resolution to allow a legible A3 printout, yet of 3 MB maximum.

The projects must be completed and submitted by following the guidelines and the format described on the Award website

Participants undertake, whereas their project is selected or mentioned by the Jury, to complete its documentation in formats and language versions, suitable for the publication and dissemination initiatives of the Award.

Art.9 Nominations and Promoters

Participation in the selection is based on self-candidatures. Subjects entitled to the submission of the application form are as follows:

Thematic area A

Programming, planning and management initiatives

  • Legal representatives of the entities or of the structures responsible for the processes of programming and planning;
  • Holders of the management initiatives;

Thematic area B -

Signs in the landscape

  • Designers;
  • Customers

Thematic area C

Culture, education and participation

  • Legal representatives of the institutions, structures, institutions, associations holding the initiatives.


The same person may participate in the selection process with more than one project.

In order to promote and disseminate the initiative, the Observatory makes use of Promoters playing an action of information, of solicitation of applications and of support in publicizing the results of the award.

The promoters are:

  • subjects represented in the Landscape Observatory Forum;
  • Valley Communities and municipalities of Trentino;
  • other subjects, public and private, interested in promoting the culture of the landscape in the Alps area.

Art.10 Obligation of the candidates

The Jury's decisions are considered final and the participation to the selection automatically implies the acceptance of this announcement.

Art.11 Release of use

Participants authorize the organizers of the Prize to publish the documents submitted for the purpose of participation in this award and/or to promote the public awareness of the initiatives, in the form and manner deemed most effective.

Art.12 Data Privacy

The data entered in the participation form will be visible to and examined only by:

  • the technical Secretariat of the Prize;
  • the system administrator and the Jury;
  • all those people who, for reasons related to the management of the selection, will have access to them.

The subjects mentioned above are committed to maintain and protect the confidentiality of the information and materials submitted to their evaluation, and not to use the information relating to the submitted materials, if not for the purposes strictly related to the Prize.