Promenade Rio Gambis – Longa Rua Cavalese

Menzione Qualità

Edizione 2019

Ambito B

Soggetto Proponente
A² studio: Cesare Micheletti, Loredana Ponticelli e Claudio Micheletti Architetti, Trentino, Italia

The intervention involves a stretch of river that crosses the old town of Cavalese. The purpose of the initiative is to develop a system of protected paths connecting all the town “green” areas, following an upriver-downriver direction. The historical role and importance of the watercourse, which constitutes the settlement matrix of the built-up area, validate the choice of extending the paths along and across the stream to enhance cross connections and favour the pedestrianisation of the town centre. The main path runs along the longitudinal axis, while a series of secondary perpendicular paths connect with the town pedestrian network. The footbridges on the Rio Gambis are located in correspondence with the cross connections. In order to ensure flood safety, these artefacts are designed with a lifting system to elevate them when needed. The longitudinal paths can be accessed also with prams and pushchairs, while the differences in height on the transverse paths are eliminated with stairs or ramps. Along the path there are several rest areas, differentiated according to their position and orientation, and equipped, where possible, with furnishings that act as link with the urban context, favouring the recreational and aesthetic fruition of the entire promenade.

Promenade Rio Gambis – Longa Rua Cavalese

Localizzazione del progetto

, Trentino, Italia, Cavalese

Motivazione della Giuria

This is an interesting project for the upgrading of urban spaces that enhances the presence of the stream strengthening its role as a link between the different parts of the built-up area and creating a large equipped green area that can be enjoyed by the entire population. In the difficult search for a balanced relation between built-up areas and natural spaces, the project introduces aesthetically pleasing furnishings.