Diffondere la conoscenza, valorizzare, preservare e ricostruire i manufatti in pietra a secco del Trentino: patrimonio culturale, ambientale, storico, paesaggistico, agronomico e turistico di inestimabile valore

Menzione Qualità

Edizione 2019

Ambito C

Soggetto Proponente
TSM-Accademia della Montagna del Trentino | Scuola Trentina della Pietra a Secco, Trentino, Italia

The Trentino Dry Stone Wall School intends to raise the awareness of citizens and operators of the importance of protecting dry-stone buildings. Dry-stone structures have always been designed in symbiosis with the environment and
the technique used exemplifies the harmonious relation between man and nature. Dry-stone walls play a crucial role in preventing landslides and floods, and in countering land erosion and desertification, supporting biodiversity and creating the best micro-climate conditions for farming. Dry-stone constructions are elements of great landscape value, able to protect the environment against degradation. Passing on this ancient art facilitates the integration of new buildings into the landscape, encouraging their natural replicability. The School organises training courses for craftsmen, freelance professionals, technicians, farmers and enthusiasts on the construction and restoration of dry-stone walls and on the importance of safeguarding them. At the end of the training course, the qualification of “Expert builder” is awarded; this specialisation was created to increase the usability on the labour market of the skills acquired.

Diffondere la conoscenza, valorizzare, preservare e ricostruire i manufatti in pietra a secco del Trentino: patrimonio culturale, ambientale, storico, paesaggistico, agronomico e turistico di inestimabile valore

Localizzazione del progetto

, Trentino, Italia

Motivazione della Giuria

The School is an extremely interesting initiative as it has been successfully pursuing the goal of keeping alive a building tradition that contributed to shaping the agricultural landscape over the centuries. The dissemination of technical
expertise promoted by the School is a prerequisite to ensure continuity to terraced rural landscapes, especially in the traditional operational dimension characterised by the maintenance intervention carried out directly by land farmers.