Giulio Andreolli

Giulio Andreolli was one of the most authoritative voices in the cultural debate that led to the growth and consolidation of a new landscape culture in Trentino. At its meeting of 11 February 2020, the Landscape Observatory Forum decided to dedicate the triennial Award “Fare paesaggio” (Making Landscape) to his memory. Since then the name of the Award has changed to PREMIO TRIENNALE GIULIO ANDREOLLI - FARE PAESAGGIO.
Giulio Andreolli was born in Rovereto. After graduating in civil engineering in Padua, he trained in architecture studios where he came into contact with highly innovative experiences. These include Mario Botta (CH), with whom he began an intense collaboration, James Stirling (UK), with whom he explored the philosophy of the informal monumentally, and Aurelio Galfetti (CH), with whom he explored the role of architecture in the elective interaction between work, landscape and social coherence.
He was the coordinator of the cultural programme of the Order of Engineers of Trento, where he served as a councillor for two terms and formed a study group on the urban dynamics of the Trentino territory. He was a member of the Steering Committee of Manifattura Domani srl in Rovereto, of the Board of Directors of the Fondazione L. Negrelli - Fondazione per la Conoscenza of the Order of Engineers of Trento, of the Scientific Committee of the tsm|step Scuola per il Governo del Territorio e del Paesaggio and of the Forum of the Landscape Observatory of the Autonomous Province of Trento. At the Observatory, he was until his death Coordinator of the thematic committee "Laboratory of design on the Trentino landscape" and in this role he carried out a qualified and incisive activity to promote architectural and landscape quality, also supporting the institution of the Prize now named after him.
He has been a member of the urban planning commissions of the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Building Commission of the Municipality of Trento and the Municipality of Mori.
In 2004 Giulio Andreolli founded GIULIO ANDREOLLI STUDIO + PARTNERS as a natural evolution of the first atelier started in 1978. In the studio operates a design, architecture, urban planning and landscape team, integrated by a network of different engineering skills, of proven collaboration.
In the course of many years of activity, the Studio has implemented the project by favouring the integration of different skills in a unitary philosophy based on the concepts of innovation and research, from the creative process to the technical choices and the functional definition of the work. In 2006 the studio was joined by the Urban Transformation and Rovereto 2020 Laboratories, which analyse the urban and economic regeneration of local areas.
Giulio Andreolli's numerous works include:
- expansion of the cemetery with a new chapel and architectural restoration of the urban area of Noriglio (Rovereto)
- the Religious Studies Centre with church and auditorium in S. Giorgio di Rovereto
- the interactive digital model of the territory of the city of Trento (with Prof. Musso)
- the new Cultural District of Rovereto with MaRT, Auditorium Melotti and Biblioteca Tartarotti (with M. Botta)
- the restoration of the eighteenth-century Grano and Alberti buildings in Rovereto, the project for the Advanced Research Centre in Turin
- the project for the new seat of the Parliament of the Republic of Bulgaria in Sofia (with M. Botta)
- the design of the SAIT headquarters and logistics centre in Trento
- the project for the Fondazione per l'Arte Contemporanea in Turin
- the project for the Museum of Contemporary Art and Design (Twenty Century Box) in Riccione
- the study for the extension of the Boè Refuge on the Sella Dolomite Group
- the competition project for the new exhibition centre in Riva del Garda (with Mecanoo)
- installation of the Galleria Civica Alberti in Rovereto
- the setting up of the exhibitions "Carlo Fait" and "Orsi, Halberr and Gerola" in Palazzo Alberti in Rovereto
- the Moon Space laboratory project for the Civic Museum and the Italian Space Agency in Rovereto
- the new Marangoni Spa Research Centre and the redevelopment of the management and logistics offices in Rovereto
- the "figure and structure" study in Rovereto (with B. Secchi)
- the project to transform a disused industrial area into a campus for automobile research in Turin
- the project for the redevelopment of an industrial craft area in the crater of a disused quarry along the Adige river in the Brianeghe area in Mori
- coordination of the study of an economic, industrial and urban reconversion model in the Rovereto and Vallagarina area
- the architectural and landscape study for the works of the New Brenner Pass
- the "Metroland" diffuse underground railway project - Blue Line between Rovereto and Tione, winner of the international competition (with Dietl, Geodata, Idroesse, Ingenium, RaumUmwelt)
- the study of the new International Station of Trento
- the architectural and landscape contextualisation study for a road bridge in Vezzano
- the urban and landscape restructuring of the compendium of Via Fontana, Largo S. Caterina and Via Dante in Rovereto.
During his long career, Giulio Andreolli has held seminars at the Universities of Trento, Padua, Ferrara, and at the Brera Academy in Milan, and has collaborated with several architecture magazines. He has been a guest at exhibitions of architectural works in Rovereto, Trento, Verona, Dusseldorf, Rome and Linz.
Giulio Andreolli's solidity of thought and vision has always guided his professional work, characterised by a desire to overcome the narrow dimension of specialisms through an open and multidisciplinary interpretation of the role of the professional. The focus on "integrating different knowledge and skills into a unified philosophy" is a constant reference for the approach to the project and the working method adopted by his professional studio. The work of transforming the territory requires a unitary design, articulated on different scales, capable of being translated into coherent projects and effective initiatives. In this vision, every transformation, even the minutest, generates new landscapes and requires wisdom, measure, care and great responsibility on the part of both citizens and clients, especially public ones. This interpretative key enables us to grasp more fully the meaning of his professional career, setting it in a framework of ethics and civil commitment, of an almost obsessive search for design quality. A perspective aimed at affirming a role of the professional aimed at harmoniously blending the themes of functionality, beauty and symbolic value of the works to be realised.