1. What is the territory defined by the Alpine Convention?
The administrative areas falling within the territory of the Alpine Convention are defined on the website https://www.alpconv.org/en/home/ at the following <<LINK>>
2, Which entities may participate in the call? What legal status must they have?
All the types of organisations listed in art. 9 of the Call for Proposals, differentiated according to the thematic area of participation, are admitted to the selection.
The same entity may participate in the selection process with more than one project, provided that it is entitled to participate in each specific Thematic Area of participation
3. Is the time requirement with respect to implementation essential for participation in the selection?
Yes. The time requirement refers to the date of 14 March 2022 and is fundamental for participation in the call, as indicated in art. 4.
The requirement is differentiated by Thematic Area and can be summarised as follows:
The works eligible for the award must follow the themes in art.2 and have, as of March 14, 2022, the following requirements:
Thematic area A - Programming, planning and management initiatives
- the urban and territorial plans and the sector plans must be adopted by the promoters;
- the management initiatives must have been implemented (i.e. at least two annual statements of account filed, if required).
Thematic area B - Signs in the landscape
- the project/work must be completed (in the case of complex projects, at least a significant part of the project must be completed, autonomously usable and interacting with the context)
Thematic area C - Culture, education and participation
the initiatives must be completed and documented also in terms of the results that can be seen by the users
4. How must the time requirement be met for particularly complex interventions in Thematic Area B?
For measures in "Thematic Area B - Signs in the Landscape" when they relate to a complex and articulated project, it is necessary that at least one significant and functionally independent part has been completed.
5. Do I have to send in paper documents as well?
No. The procedure for registering and sending documents and attachments is fully automated and is only done online.
6. What documents must be submitted for selection?
Participants must submit documents exclusively via the integrated "upload" system.
The following documents are required
- A summary report, 3,000 characters (maximum), in Italian or English, combined with a significant image and optionally accompanied by a video lasting up to 5 minutes (maximum 15 MB, or preferably, the link of the online publication).
- Documentation describing the initiative/work/project or actions, according to the Thematic Area:
Thematic area A - Programming, planning and management initiatives
- Written description (maximum 9,000 characters)
- Tables with graphic, photographic or cartographic documentation (max. 6)
Thematic area B - Signs in the landscape
- Written description (max 6,000 characters)
- Tables with graphic, photographic or cartographic documentation (max. 9)
Thematic area C - Culture, education and participation
- Written description (max 12,000 characters)
- Tables with graphic or photographic documentation (max. 3)
7. In which language should the documents be drafted?
The summary and descriptive reports must be drafted in either Italian or English.
8. In what format and with what definition should the graphics and images be attached?
The drawings must be attached in .jpg or .pdf format, with a resolution such as to allow for a clearly legible A3 print and may not exceed a maximum size of 3 MB each.
9. Can documents other than the mandatory ones be attached? In what format should they be attached?
The only optional attachment is the video that can accompany the summary report, lasting no longer than 5 minutes, preferably indicated with a link and independently published online. Alternatively, videos can be attached directly, but not exceeding 15 MB in size. In addition to the video, no further material other than that indicated in art. 8 of the Call may be attached.
10. If there are difficulties in submitting the form, who can help me?
The form is designed to be completed online and sent seamlessly. Instructions on how to fill in the form, including the "weight" limits of the documents, are included under each item to be completed.
In any case, should problems arise that are not covered by these FAQs or by what has been indicated above, the Award Secretariat is available at info@premiofarepaesaggio.it.