Nuova Casa Sociale per l’abitato di Caltron
Menzione Speciale
Edizione 2016
Ambito B
Soggetto ProponenteMirko Franzoso
The building that hosts the new community centre in Caltron addresses the delicate task of being in harmony with an environment that serves as a boundary between the village and the agricultural landscape. The main goal is that of integrating it with both the exiting historical buildings and the unfolding countryside that shapes the entire rural landscape of this side of the Val di Non. The critical reading of these two systems, the willingness to conceive a work that is an expression of our time and the current need to erect sustainable buildings, are the cornerstones of this project. The new building presents a simple design and nests naturally into the ground. The difficulties associated with the topography and geometry of the area are used as resources to manage the integration of the building into the ground and to ensure an easy access to all its storeys. The main volume, which lies on a solid base that integrates seamlessly into the ground, is compact and well-proportioned to ensure continuity with the town urban fabric by becoming part of the landscape and integrating into the succession of apple trees in an attempt to become, over time, a pre-existence familiar to the residents. The new community centre of Caltron is also the outcome of a knowledge-sharing and participatory process that engaged residents and the local government. The project is the result of an invitation-only competition organised by the Municipality of Cles in 2012 and addressed to professionals under the age of 35 living in the Val di Non. The goal was to promote the activity of local young architecture firms. The winning project was then presented and discussed publicly to share the planning choices and, prior to its final drafting, was changed based on some demands brought forward by the population.
Localizzazione del progetto
Caltron, Trentino , ClesMotivazione della Giuria
The new community centre of Caltron originated from a public information-sharing and multidisciplinary process that involved the citizens and a group of designers under the age of 35 chosen via a competition organised by the municipality. Such a virtuous process translated into an interesting work that, building on a careful appraisal of the elements that characterise pre-existing buildings and rural context, correctly interprets the delicate planning theme by creating a new volume with clear contemporary architecture features. Volume composition and choice of materials indeed contribute to ensuring a harmonious integration of the new building into the landscape without using camouflage or anachronistic solutions and interpreting the peculiarities of the place with today's architectural language.