Maso Curio Caderzone Terme

Menzione Qualità

Edizione 2016

Ambito B

Soggetto Proponente
NEXUS! Associati

Maso Curio, whose name comes from the Latin word Curium (or kurium) which means ‘the place of the Lord', is the oldest and more important testimony of agricultural and patronal architecture of the entire Val Rendena with its stables, colonnade, enormous larch wood pillars, shingle roof, the milk casetto (mountain bothy) and the cheese casera (farm hut). Here, more than anywhere else, stones and woods narrate a thousand-year old process where men, employing all the resources available to them, tried to survive in very harsh conditions - long cold winters, floods, fires, landslides, avalanches, famine and plague - by making a careful and conscious use of the limited resources provided by the environment. The renovation work carried out in 2011 attempted to unveil and reveal this narration by trying to recover the architectural elements and the artefact in its entirety, as well as by re-proposing local construction techniques.

Maso Curio Caderzone Terme

Localizzazione del progetto

Maso Curio, Trentino, Caderzone Terme

Motivazione della Giuria

The intervention consists in a faithful restoration of one of the most significant examples of rural architecture in Val Rendena. The testimonial value of the building has been acknowledged by clients, designers and builders who have been wisely able to limit the intervention solely to the works necessary to ensure the passing of the property over time. All of this without any forced re-functioning that would have compromised its testimonial value.