Alle Terre Alte. Strategie per il riuso dell'architettura del territorio rurale, progetti per il ritorno alle Alpi.
Edizione 2016
Ambito C
Soggetto ProponenteMauro Marinelli
The Terre Alte (highlands) are faraway and almost forgotten places, spaces that were once inhabited and which, after years of escapes, isolation, poverty and subordination to the city, lie abandoned as valuable yet useless resources, discarded or embalmed in unusable and rhetorical stereotyping museum displays. Over the past few years, we have been witnessing a return to the Alps, to those abandoned areas and artefacts that can become once again productive resources and living spaces, places that are waiting for a different fate and are finally able to welcome a new generation of peasants. Amongst theoretical investigations and a project on the small Val di Bresimo in Trentino, the doctoral thesis - produced in collaboration with the Edmund Mach Foundation - develops an innovative working method, that, when faced with a rural mountain area that has experienced various forms of abandonment, is able to recognise the architecture of this place, locate what is abandoned, imagine how a no longer used land can be reused as a productive resource, identify abandoned buildings that can act as drivers of land reuse, and devise strategies and projects that allow new and existing buildings to become generators of a new rurality

Localizzazione del progetto
, Trentino, BresimoMotivazione della Giuria
The thesis accurately identifies strategies and practices to reuse the rural architecture and encourage a return to the Terre Alte. Through a multidisciplinary approach, this work is able to show the complexity of the issues that have to be dealt with to reuse rural architecture, defining the limitations and opportunities of the architectural discipline that tries to be a place for sharing different skills.